This Mini Course will Be Released On 1st March 2024!
NEW AUTHORIZE YOUR SELF METHOD: The First In A Series of Success Programs By Andy Raingold:
Helps You To Unlock The Power Within and Pave Your Path To MASSIVE Success... Starting NOW!

Discover Why Not Having A Grand Purpose In Life Leads To Mediocrity...
and What You Can Do To:

Create A Clearly Defined Vision!

No Matter Where You Find Yourself Right Now!

Achieving Greater Happiness is the Natural Effect of Having A Better Life Experience!
A Better Life Experience is the Natural Effect of Having: A Clearly Defined Grand Purpose For YOUR Life !

Let me ask you a question...

Are you sick and tired of going through life working your butt off with little or no results? Doing what you absolutely must do... what you have to do... and what's EXPECTED of you.

If that sounds like you... You're not alone... 

As an infant in the western world, you are required to move into, and then through the Education System! ...and then out of the other end for one purpose only.

To Serve... Someone Else's Purpose!
Getting a Job... That You Most Likely Have No Real Passion For.

Is it any wonder that most people struggle to find happiness? And it gets even worse... 

Through the whole process your decision-making ability is taken from you, real choice is replaced with the illusion of choice, and you get to keep your choice just so long as you choose to do what's EXPECTED of you... and choose a set in place job and then decide to do that one thing for as long as possible. For as long as you remain obedient to the way things are!

It's A Set In Place, Ready-Made... PURPOSE!

And what's worse...10 years or more down the line, if you haven't received much success or recognition for your efforts your often CRITICIZED for having made bad decisions in your life.

Through No Fault of Your Own!

But right now, you are in a unique position because most people who go down that road never get the chance to claim back their ability to decide and choose for themselves. They never take back their decision-making ability. They never get what they really want... and they never truly find happiness!

It's Time To Rewrite Who You Are, What You Want... and Where You Are Heading!

Its time to:

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 TOTAL: $97 ONLY $37 (USD)

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Get started on your success journey risk-free with the Authorize Your Self, "Better Life Experience." If you're not satisfied within 30 days, get a full refund. No questions asked. Put your success journey on hyperdrive today!

The Better Life Experience Upgrade 

Click the image below to get the upgraded version for just $47.

You'll receive:

The Better Life Experience PLUS! The Complete First Level "Better Life Experience" Package. Includeing audio/video version! PLUS 3 Bonuses!


The Better Life Experience

A B.S Free Journey Through Success

A Better Life Experience is the effect of moving through a life you choose... It's the effect of deciding for yourself what it is you want to do in life... It's the effect of...Claiming Your Life Back!

Success isnt out there in the distant future. Neither is it a journey. Success is a choice you make at the beginning of the journey together with the realization at the end of the journey that, "You knew you could do it! You knew it would happen! You knew you would succeeed!" Which is why you absolutely must choose success right now! Before taking another step or doing another thing.

Then, step into the realm of greater possibilities with 'The Better Life Experience,' and discover:

  • Why You Haven't Been Able to Discover Your Purpose in Life So Far: ...by becoming aware of what may have been holding you back in your previous attempts to find your purpose and then removing the obstacles so you can begin to emerge with a clearly defined purpose once and for all.

  • How the Mind Really Works: Without the dogma. You'll gain practical ways to use the mind to find solutions to problems as well as increased ability to visualize and focus on your future vision without struggling to form images. This one success nugget is literally worth thousands of dollars.

  • Four Easy Techniques to Discover Your Life Purpose: that allows you to approach finding your true purpose in a variety of ways to uncover one or more purposes so that in the end you have an ultra-clear purpose and vision for your life.

  • The Three Causes You Must Put into Motion: that will help you map out the route to your personal success and direct you to move through success not towards it which brings success to you instantly.

  • The Three Ingredients of Achievement: gives you the ability to take actions that increase the probability of achieving even more success and gives you the power to guarantee your own success.

  • Why Words Are Not Power: and instead discover a clear way to greater personal power when you remove one of the biggest misunderstandings in the world of personal success and development.

  • The 12 Steps to Success: gives you the power to control your own success and helps you to choose success before you even finish this program. Or even begin it? That's right! you should have already chosen success with this program!

  • How the Power of Intention Helps You Gain Even More Success: from setting goals and moves you towards clearer results without the work getting in your way.

I think you get the idea...

To claim your copy, just fill in your details and click on the 'Get Highly Motivated' button on this page, right now... and Authorize Your Self to Succeed On Your Own Terms!

But WAIT! that's not all... For a limited time, we are also going to include...


The Better Life Experience Bonus Packages...
Mastering Your Destiny!
When you focus on what is really important in your own life you discover that it's not only possible but essential, to master your unique destiny.
Purpose Driven Life!
The first step to being successful in any area is knowing what you want. Purpose Driven Life outlines everything you need to know to add purpose to your life.
The Meaningful Life!
When you discover your life purpose you also give real meaning to everything that you do and are better able to explore your limitless potential.